Need a ride?
Then hop into the Life in Christ Church Van! We have ample room in our van service for anyone requiring a ride to and from church. We will need to know at least 2 days ahead of time so that we can schedule all the pick-ups and be on time for service. Just call 520-458-8760 or 520-234-1318 to schedule a ride!
Baskets are located at the back of the Sanctuary.
Sermons and Study Guides
Our weekly Sunday morning messages are also available for download on our Sermons page.
Pastor Mark regularly composes lesson study guides based on the Lord's instruction. These are used during the service and are available for download on the Sermons page for your personal bible study.
Pastor Mark regularly composes lesson study guides based on the Lord's instruction. These are used during the service and are available for download on the Sermons page for your personal bible study.
Praise & Worship
Opens the Sunday morning 8:30 am service with uplifting and worshipful contemporary music played over the sound system.
Information Bookshelf and Bibles
All literature is Christian related and available free of charge. Extra Bibles are available for anyone requesting one. They are randomly located in the racks underneath each chair.
Volunteers are a large part of our church function. All volunteer positions are on a rotating basis so each volunteer still receives time to hear the "Word". You may volunteer for any of our volunteer positions by contacting us.
Positions: Greeters, Ushers and Children's Church Teachers
Positions: Greeters, Ushers and Children's Church Teachers